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Whether you’re a large brand with great notoriety in the food space or a small start-up company looking to break into grocery stores, Los Angeles private chef Ariane Resnick helps your products be appreciated by the audience you’re hoping for.

Chef Ariane has spoken about products on platforms like ABC News,, and E! Network, and has facilitated the placement of brands everywhere from conventions to broadcast television. She’s a sought-after media personality on top of being a private chef — and so much more! Her partnership services include everything from recipe development to social media sharing and are easily customizable to your needs.

A certified nutritionist, Chef Ariane only works with CPG products she is happy to personally use and is enthusiastic about, Ariane’s excitement for the brands she partners with is undeniably real and infectious. Her recipe creations are inventive, such as a gluten and grain free brownie that contains more avocado than any other ingredient, which was featured on grocery store packaging throughout major retailers like Costco and Stater Bros. Markets. She has performed influencer work for companies in the food and wellness spheres ranging from Whole30 to Wholesome Sweeteners.

In addition to working with food and health products, Chef Ariane enjoys public speaking at different kinds of events, spreading the word about other lifestyle brands she personally uses. Her experience includes training other private chefs in preparing food for special diets, as well offering culinary instruction from your very own private chef for home cooks eager to learn her techniques and recipes, so she’s able to offer valuable market insight for B2B brands as well as consumer products and services.

For example, she has worked with Handful Sports Bra and Sip Chip. With an engaged Instagram following of well over 50,000 Instagram users, Chef Ariane reaches a wide array of followers who trust her opinions.

For partnership, Chef Ariane is available on either a one-off basis or a contracted monthly retainer. She is proud to be the accessible and informed voice that brands need to grow their audiences. If you are interested in this service, please send Ariane an email detailing your needs, and she’ll be happy to schedule an initial discussion. Please note that she is not interested in product exchanges and works in endorsement only for standard financial compensation.

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